African Tribal Body Art

African Tribal Body Art
African Tribal Body Art

African body art is used by men and women for various functions. They include but are not limited to festivals, feast celebrations, daily attire, beauty and force. They also differ from area to area.

African Tribal Body Art

Some African body art are drawn to give the wearer protection from harm, the symbolism in the images guarding them throughout life.

African Tribal Body Art

African body art were never meant to be merely drawings for bodily decoration. They are drawn so that the wearer of the art can take on an almost Supernatural state. Given the term scarification, represent a way for the wearer to appear more than human. African scarification or tattooing, often uses symbols that reflect the wearers character, and is used as proof of courage and braver; which are the things one needs to undergo the painful application of the body art. The first African tattoo found was dated back to a mummy in 1994 BC, although it is estimated that there are tattoos dating back to 2000BC; and images showing Egyptian High Priestesses with tattooed arms have been found.

African Tribal Body Art

African Tribal Body Art
African Tribal Body Art
