Airbrush Body Art Paint

Airbrush Body Art Paint
Airbrush Body Art Paint

Before painting the body it is a good idea to wash and dry your body so that the dust particles are removed. This will help in creating a uniform layer of paint. There are several methods for painting your body. Select the one that best suits you for the following: tempra, markers, liquid latex, airbrush makeup, PAX makeup and textile acrylics. Each technique has its own pros and cons. Using markers are safe and they are cheap but it takes a lot of time to paint the body with markers. Also these markers have to be frequently replaced as they finish up quickly. Using tempra is a bad choice as it flakes off when it dries and makes quite a mess. Although it is cheap but when the paint dries up it becomes powdery.

Airbrush Body Art Paint

Airbrush Body Art Paint

Airbrush Body Art Paint

Airbrush Body Art Paint

Airbrush Body Art Paint

Airbrush Body Art Paint

Airbrush Body Art Paint
Airbrush Body Art Paint
